If you would like to come and visit our school please phone the school office and make an appointment. Our Year 6 children and Mrs Morley will be delighted to show you around the school and answer any questions you have.
Our cyclical (new Reception) admissions are handled directly by Somerset County Council direct. You can contact them on the following telephone number: 0300 123 2224 or visit the website at for information on how to apply to start school.
As an academy the Richard Huish Education Group is our admission authority for in year admissions. Richard Huish has delegated this responsibility to the LGB (Local Governing Body) who have an admissions committee which meet regularly to consider the in year admissions to the school. If you wish to apply for a place in year at our school then please download the form above for the in year application form. You will receive a decision within 10 school days on whether your application has been successful.
The Governors Admissions Committee currently follow Somerset County Council’s oversubscription criteria and fair access arrangements when making a decision about school places. If for any reason your application has not been successful and you would like to appeal against the decision, then please complete the following North Curry Appeals Form.
Our admission arrangements comply with the School Admissions Code (–2) and our appeals process with the School Admissions Appeal Code (
Our current PAN (Planned Admission Number) is 25.
The Admissions Committee have agreed the following limits for each In Year Admission for 2024-2025:
Nursery – 30
Years R/1 – Minnow Class – 30
Years 1/2 – Starfish Class – 30
Years 3/4 – Dolphin Class – 26
Years 4/5 – Octopus Class – 31
Years 6 – Shark Class – 19
Early Years Foundation Stage
Before your child is due to start, please visit us so that you can take a preliminary look at the school. In the Summer Term, before they start, new entrants are invited into the school to experience taster sessions in class. Where possible our EYFS class teacher visits pre-school settings to meet the children and makes home visits for each child.
At North Curry, EYFS aims to make the transition into school as smooth and quick as possible. Initially, the children attend for mornings and lunch for the first week, and then full time after that. However, it is sometimes necessary to extend part-time attendance for those children who are still under five years old and for whom a full day is too long.
It is a great help, particularly to the children’s confidence, if by the time they start school they are able to;
- Go to the toilet without assistance.
- Dress and undress themselves (with a little help if necessary).
- Understand simple verbal instructions.
All children are encouraged to bring a healthy snack and water bottle into school.
On the first day of school, it would be useful for you to bring your child into school and for them to have;
- PE kit in a bag with spare underwear in case of accidents.
- A small flask or sports bottle full of water to drink in class time.
- A waterproof coat for unexpected damp weather.
- New Parents Welcome Booklet 2023-24
- In-Year Admissions form
- Local Authority Admission arrangements applying to school
- Appeal Form
- North Curry primary School Admission Arrangements 22-23
- North Curry Primary School Admission Arrangements 22-23 Supplementary Information
- RHT Admissions Policy 2023 Vn1
- North Curry Primary School Admissions Arrangements 23-24
- North Curry Primary School Admission Arrangements 23-24 Supplementary Information
- North Curry Primary School Admission Arrangements 24-25
- North Curry Primary School Admission Arrangements 24-25 Supplementary Information
- DRAFT North Curry Primary School Admission Arrangements 2025
- North Curry Primary catchment area