Online Safety
Staying safe online is really important to us. Miss Bown is the Online Safety Leader.
As a school, we follow the brilliant ActiveBytes online safety curriculum created by Somerset eLIM (please see further details at the bottom of this page about the curriculum). This progressive curriculum builds our understanding of staying safe online as every class regularly takes part in a dedicated online safety lesson related to one of the three key themes:
- I am kind and responsible
- I am safe and secure
- I am healthy
Since we value our school’s understanding of online safety so highly, we believe that the teaching of online safety should not be limited to discreet lessons. We ensure that this topic is frequently approached in lots of different ways. Whole school assemblies and class discussions promote pupil voice, we take part in national events such as Safer Internet Day and we read books around the topic of online safety. Two of our favourite books are #Goldilocks and Chicken Clicking.
Our online safety efforts are monitored regularly using the 360 safe self-assessment tool and we achieved the accreditation in July 2022.
Online Safety at Home
In the event of a school closure, there would inevitably be an increase in a dependence in technology in order to access home learning. In the right hand menu are some resources which may be helpful. Although the sites have been checked for suitability, the school cannot be held responsible for their content and parents are advised to make their own checks.
Regarding the wider use of technology at home, to promote safe and healthy habits, please find an example that you could adopt or adapt to suit your own family: SSE Example of family agreement for technology in the home
eLIM Online Safety Active Bytes – Healthy Habits Posters
Yellow = EYFS
Pink = KS1
Orange = LKS2
Green = UKS2
Where to go for Support
Staff at North Curry Primary School are committed to providing support to our school community. Please speak to your child/ren’s class teacher/s if you would like support regarding anything related to Online Safety.
Explore the links below offering advice and support for keeping safe online.
Helpful Resources
Common Sense Media provides a detailed yet easy to digest review to any game, app or website you may hear about. Simply search to learn about the aim and an overview of ‘what parents need to know’, ratings and themes. This information is a brilliant way to begin an informed and open conversation to agree appropriate and enjoyable games, apps and websites with your family.
The London School for Economics provides a detailed blog to support ‘Parenting for a Digital Future’. Regular posts cover topics in current news, research and reflections.
- NPSCC Parents’ Guide to being Share Aware
- Ask About Games: Information and advice about playing age-appropriate games safely and responsibly
- PEGI: Information and tips about age-appropriate, safe and responsible gaming.
- UK Safer Internet Centre
- Internet Matters
- Think U Know
- Childnet International
- Childline
- CEOP: The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre
- Childnet: Parent and Carer Toolkit
- Common Sense Media
- DigiSafe
- Social Media Checklists
- Stop It Now
- Parent Zone
- YouTube : Setting up YouTube for your family
Safe Search Engines
When searching online, use child-friendly ‘safe searches’. These search engines have been recommended by eLIM Somerset’s e-learning and management support team.
While every effort is made to ensure that these search engines produce appropriate responses, it is of course essential to monitor children’s use of the internet. It is crucial to encourage open and honest discussion should children come across something that makes them feel unsure or uncomfortable. Every class in school strongly encourages the message that children must talk to a trusted adult if they come across something online that they are unsure about or that makes them feel uncomfortable.
Reporting an Online Safety issue
In the first instance, please report any concerns you have about online safety to Miss Bown as the Online Safety Lead/Designated Safeguarding Lead.
If you have any further concerns about online conduct these can be reported to Child Exploitation and Online Protection.
Reporting Harmful Content
Follow this link if you would like advice about recognizing harmful content. Use this flowchart to find out who can help you.