It is my pleasure to share with you the work we do at North Curry C of E Primary School, part of the Richard Huish Trust, to support Mental Health and Wellbeing. We aim to create a safe, happy, welcoming and stimulating environment where each member of the school community feels valued and cared for and allows all children to reach their full potential. Embedded across the school, are the three pillars of well-being, belonging, relationships and lifestyle. We adopt proactive relational practice in supporting pupils, staff and parents as we recognise that we are a happier in school if all emotional needs are addressed. We want everyone in our school community to feel confident in themselves, be able to express a range of emotions appropriately, be able to make and maintain positive relationships with others, cope with the stresses of everyday life, manage in times of stress and to be able to deal with change, learn and achieve. The relational approach is central to all the support across our school and fundamental in creating our aims. Mrs Hyland
The Senior Mental Health Lead is responsible for creating a whole-school approach to supporting mental health and wellbeing as well as an open culture in which staff and students alike can discuss their mental health and wellbeing openly. Other aspects of the role include:
- Promoting good mental health and emotional wellbeing for staff and students alike
- Developing a whole-school approach to support mental wellbeing
- Educating students on mental health and wellbeing
- Training staff to identify signs and symptoms of emerging mental health needs in students
- Have a clear process in which staff can report concerns
- Have a clear process of managing all mental health concerns
- Have systems in place for students to seek help if they need it
- Have policies in place to support students through referrals to specialists
- Know what local and national help and support is available out of school
Pupil Provision
Full time ELSA Support
Embedded whole school approach
Worry Boxes
Zones of Regulation
Brain Breaks
Enrichments Days
Pupil Wellbeing Champions (part of the school council)
ELSA/PE Collaboration
Anti-Bullying Alliance Awards
UNICEF Rights Respecting School Award
Staff Provision
Termly Staff Wellbeing Weeks
Termly Individual Staff Wellbeing Surgeries
Staff Wellbeing Surveys
Wellbeing Action Group
Wellbeing Days
Full Time ELSA Support
Mental Health First Aid
Employee Assistance
Socials and Keep fit
Parent Provision
Parent Wellbeing Champions/Action Group (PWAG)
ELSA Support
Tea & Chat Café with ELSA
Weekly Newsletter Articles
Daily Meet & Greet
Conflict Resolution Support
Home Support

Definition of Mental Health and Wellbeing
We use the World Health Organisation’s definition of mental health and wellbeing:
… a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.
Mental health and wellbeing is not just the absence of mental health problems. We want everyone in our school community to;
- feel confident in themselves
- be able to express a range of emotions appropriately
- be able to make and maintain positive relationships with others
- cope with the stresses of everyday life
- manage times of stress and be able to deal with change
- learn and achieve
At North Curry Primary School we adopt the 8 key principles for the whole school approach to emotional health and wellbeing;
- Curriculum Teaching and Learning
- Pupil Participation
- Staff Wellbeing and Development
- Identifying needs
- Targeted support
- Involving parents and carers
- Ethos and environment
We are proud to be part of the growing network of MindUP schools who promote the mental health and emotional wellbeing of our whole school community.
Download the MindUp parent guide.
Download our Growth Mindset presentation for tips on how to develop a positive mindset.
The Curriculum
The unique evidence-based framework provides knowledge and understanding of neuroscience, mindful awareness, positive psychology and mindful practices to affect positive change within the classroom and beyond. The 15-lesson curriculum includes practices developed to help children improve their focus, manage their emotions and face challenges with resilience, kindness and compassion.
The MindUP lessons are complemented by the ‘Brain Break’. This core mindful breathing exercise which takes place three times a day, enables pupils and staff to calm their minds, focus and get ready to learn.
The interactive teaching and learning approaches, complemented by whole-school mindful practices, help create an exciting learning environment within which children can thrive academically, socially and emotionally.
Our Shared Vision
MindUP is central to our strategic vision, it supports us to create a whole school culture of gratitude, optimism, happiness and respect within which we can all grow and flourish.
Further Information
For further details about the MindUP programme, including research findings, the curriculum overview and case studies, visit mindup.org.uk.