Remote Learning
Remote Learning
In the event of a class or school closure, learning will be provided online through Microsoft TEAMS. Each child has a unique username and password to access the learning set by their class teacher/s. Please email the school office if you have any issue gaining access to online learning.
Teachers will work hard to make remote learning as accessible as possible. If you have a PC or laptop then resources should be easy to access. If you have an iPad or a tablet and you are having trouble opening or editing documents then please get in touch and we will do our best to offer tips and advice.
Please refer to the ‘Blended Learning – Information for Parents and Carers’ document at the bottom of this page.
Immersive Reader
Please look out for the Immersive Reader function on TEAMS. This will simplify any text and read it aloud.
Staying Safe Online
Please remember the importance of staying safe online. It is crucial to monitor children’s use of the internet.
As always, we consider the wellbeing of all families to be of the greatest importance.
A great place to start is establishing a daily routine incorporating regular wake up and bed times, meal times, exercise, learning and leisure. Setting and agreeing on this routine as a family will promote children’s responsibility in keeping time spent online positive. Visit the ELSA page of our website to find a wealth of resources to support various elements of wellbeing.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch with your child/ren’s class teacher or the school office if you feel that we could offer you further support.