Little Herons Nursery

Little Herons Nursery is part of North Curry Primary School. We are open to all children, not
just those intending to start their school career at North Curry. From September 2024,
children can attend Little Herons from 6 months old, until school age. The nursery was last
inspected by Ofsted in March 2018 and was given a ‘Good’ grading with elements of

At Little Herons, we recognise that every family and child is unique. We understand the
importance of children’s early years experiences and the impact it can have on their ongoing
learning and wellbeing throughout life. This is why we place a priority on nurturing
relationships and learning through play and exploration. Children form strong friendships
with peers and secure relationships with the staff team.

We have a wide range of equipment to use, and we are fortunate enough to have large indoor
space and vast outdoor play areas. We love our daily outdoor play and make use of the
outdoor learning area, playing fields, sensory garden, forest school area, adventure
playgrounds and the local park. The natural space gives first-hand experience of the flow of
the seasons, hunting for mini beasts, creating natural art, building dens and making wonderful
concoctions with the mud kitchen. We take part in weekly P.E. and yoga sessions in our gym
and have weekly welly walks around the local area. We visit the Willows and Wetlands
centre and use our own forest school area for outdoor learning and forest school sessions. We
also visit the Church with the rest of the school. All of these learning opportunities, give us
experience of the natural world, build resilience and problem-solving skills and support
physical development. We also do trips further afield throughout the year.

Little Herons Staff encourage play that is creative and inclusive. Whilst the children are
naturally highly involved, the adults are partners in this play. The children’s interests and
fascinations are embraced, and their learning and development is enhanced. We use our
indoor and outdoor spaces to create inspirational invitations to learn through play. Resources
are open-ended, inspiring and are easily accessible, allowing the children to direct their own
learning, experiment and think creatively.
Emotional wellbeing and creativity are evident in our practice and provision.

Our setting aims to:
• provide high quality care and education for children aged 6 months to 4 years
• work in partnership with parents to help children learn and develop
• add to the life and wellbeing of the local community
• offer children and their parents a service that promotes equality and values diversity.

You are members of our setting who have full participatory rights. These include a right to
• valued and respected
• kept informed
• consulted
• involved
• included at all levels


School Meals (School Meals are only available to order during school Term Times) 

CLICK HERE for information on hot meals.

Uniform (optional in Little Herons) 

CLICK HERE for information about uniform.


Little Herons logo of Hettie Heron

Contact Us

Our address: Nursery Class, North Curry School, Greenway, North Curry, TA3 6NQ
Tel no: 01823 490423 (school office, option 3)
Direct Line: 01823 804 542
(We will do our best to answer, although this may not always be possible during busy times, thank you for your understanding).


Our Team

Manager: Mrs Hayley Wade
Deputy Manager: Mrs Helen Morley
Nursery Practitioner: Mrs Clare Brown
Nursery Apprentice: Mrs Louise Farnell
Nursery Practitioner: Miss Megan Cave
Nursery Practitioner and Administrator: Mrs Carla Fitch