After 10 weeks of lockdown, the UK government is planning for schools from the 1st June, to gradually reopen the doors. This may cause feelings of worry and anxiety for parents and pupils. The coronavirus outbreak and lockdown has affected us all and now it is time for another big change – the return to school.

Year 1/ Seahorse Class Re-opening Monday 1st June
It has been decided to initially open the school for one year group only. We have prioritised the year group with the highest demand for school. If you are a parent of a child in Year One you will have received a letter with further details of what this will look like and whether you will take up the offer. We will continue to keep you updated as we move through the term about which year groups will be prioritised for school next. We will re-open to other year groups as and when we feel that it is as safe as possible for all concerned.

You and your children may feel anxious, worried and upset however it’s also exciting to be going back to school, all the teaching staff are looking forward to seeing the children again during this tricky time. Our school has a unique opportunity to help adjust to the new “normal”.

As mentioned in your letters,school will not be “school” as both you and your child know it. Please use the information on this page to help prepare your child in the return to school.

If you would like to discuss any content or if you require support please speak to the class teachers or email Mrs Day, ELSA and Wellbeing Lead

What will school be like?

The most important thing to explain to your child is that school will be nothing like it was before lockdown. Explain the social distancing rules and prepare them for a life inside their classroom bubbles.

Help your child understand that the teachers, Miss Pople and Miss Gill will have a set of rules and that it is crucial that they follow them to help keep everyone safe.

Please consider how your child will feel at the end of the day, as their school day will have been very different for them.

ELSA Support – Back To School Anxiety

Ensure healthy routines including a regular bedtime and healthy diet.
Listen to your child, empathise and normalise feelings or fears ASK: “What worries you?”
Role Play and Problem Solve, try not to say “don’t worry” or “you will be fine” use the traffic light system (see ELSA Support Class Page) to get your child to problem solve and discuss appropriate responses.
Focus on the positives, ASK: What three things are you looking forward to when you go back to school?

IMPORTANT: Model confidence, be cheerful and positive about the return to school

Back to School Questions
It is important that we explore ways for children to discuss their experiences during lockdown, some children may struggle to verbalise their experiences. Click here for resources if you would like ideas to promote discussion to support the return to school.

Lockdown Memories Resource
Lockdown Reflection Resource