North Curry C of E Primary School is a church school and as such, our principle beliefs and values are derived from the foundation of the Church of England.
Our Vision
Together everyone achieves more through loving learning, loving one another and loving life itself. “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself” (Matthew 22:37-39). AGAPE: The Good Samaritan (Luke 10 25-37).
Our vision is underpinned by the Christian values of Koinonia, Kindness, Respect, Joy, Hope and Happiness. These are lived out everyday by our Golden Rules:
- Work hard and always do your best!
- Be kind, considerate and respectful!
- Be happy, safe and have fun!
Our Aims
We aim to create a safe happy, welcoming and stimulating environment where each member of the school community feels valued and cared for, both as an individual and as a member.
The school works in partnership with parents to fulfil these aims:
To provide a broad, balanced, challenging and exciting curriculum, which allows all children to enjoy their rights, reach their full potential in a happy, stimulating, inclusive and safe environment.
To promote relationships between pupils and adults caring, valued, supportive, trusting, honest and one built on mutual respect where adults lead by example in line with the ethos of the school.
To support an ethos which is stimulating, safe, welcoming, positive, exciting; children are active and motivated learners, developing learning for life in a Christian environment.
To ensure spirituality is an intrinsic part of everyday life at North Curry C of E Primary School.
Our Behaviour Pyramid